Home / Technology / The key application of disc diffuse in the treatment of high-concentration industrial wastewater

The key application of disc diffuse in the treatment of high-concentration industrial wastewater

By: Kate Chen
Email: [email protected]
Date: May 30th, 2024

The treatment of industrial wastewater, which usually contains high concentrations of organics, inorganics and hazardous chemicals, is a major challenge in environmental management. Aeration trays, as an effective aeration tool, play a critical role in the treatment of these high concentration industrial wastewaters. This paper will discuss the importance of aeration trays in such applications, how they work, and how their use can be optimized to improve wastewater treatment efficiency.


Basic working principle of disc diffuser

An disc diffuser is a bottom aeration system that works by releasing tiny air bubbles at the bottom of a wastewater treatment tank to provide the necessary oxygen to support the growth and activity of microorganisms. These microorganisms are integral to the biological treatment process and purify the water by metabolizing contaminants in the wastewater. The bubbles generated by the disc diffuser are very fine, which allows the bubbles to remain in the water for a longer period of time, increasing the contact area between the gas and the water, thus improving the dissolution rate and transfer efficiency of oxygen.


Application of disc diffuser in high concentration wastewater treatment

1, Improve dissolved oxygen efficiency: biological treatment in high concentration industrial wastewater requires a large amount of oxygen. disc diffuser through the production of a large number of fine bubbles, significantly increase the solubility of oxygen in the water to meet the needs of microorganisms under high oxygen demand conditions.


2, Promote the decomposition of organic matter: In high concentration organic wastewater, the metabolic activity of microorganisms is extremely critical. An effective aeration system not only provides oxygen, but also helps to mix the water to ensure that the organic matter in the wastewater can be uniformly exposed to active microorganisms, thus accelerating the decomposition rate.


3, Controlling the discharge of pollutants: In some high-concentration industrial wastewaters, such as dyestuffs, pharmaceuticals or chemical wastewaters, serious environmental pollutants are contained. Through effective biological treatment, these harmful substances can be degraded or transformed by microorganisms, reducing their environmental risks.


Strategies to optimize the use of aeration trays

1, Proper design of the aeration system: When designing an aeration system for highly concentrated wastewater, you need to take into account the characteristics of the wastewater and the treatment volume to ensure that the disc diffuser is configured to provide sufficient oxygen and maintain good mixing.


2, Maintenance and monitoring: disc diffuser systems require regular maintenance and cleaning to prevent clogging and wear, which can affect aeration efficiency. Also, dissolved oxygen sensors and other monitoring equipment should be used to monitor oxygen levels in real time to ensure that the system is operating at optimal levels.


3, Adaptability: Industrial wastewater composition may vary depending on the production line, so the aeration system should have the ability to adapt to different operating conditions. This may include adjusting the aeration volume or modifying the aeration strategy to accommodate fluctuations in wastewater quality.

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